
Showing posts from January, 2014

Adventures in Culinary School

One word … Terrified! My stomach is in terrible knots. Nerves are really getting the better of me on the first day. I have no idea what to expect. The one thing I do know is “My culinary begins now!” On day one we toured the kitchens, storage spaces and the coolers downstairs. I was on overload that entire day. I barely remember where the carrots are stored. We all went around the room and said why we decided to enroll I said, “I have catered a few friend’s wine parties and everyone seems to love my food. One by one a few people started telling me I should go to culinary school.” This suggestion was first met with laughter. There’s no way … But after a few more people made the suggestion, I started to think … Maybe? Could I do it? Can I stand through a dinner service? Can I stand through a class in the kitchen? Only one way to find out! After we all got done saying what brought us here Chef Jack says that home cooking has NOTHING to do with cooking professionally. Man! That ...