
Showing posts from March, 2014

A Saucy Week

Five mother sauces: BETHV – Béchamel, Espagnole, Tomato, Hollandaise & Veloute. I am paying special attention every week to the items we will be tested on in the practical. For this week, we have béchamel, veloute and hollandaise sauces. Let’s just release this into the universe so I can move beyond it: I have burned my fair share of roux in my cooking life. The béchamel sauce is probably the one I am the most comfortable with. I have made similar sauces for a macaroni and cheese for my nephew many times over. The veloute sauce reminds me of gravy. It’s probably my least favorite sauce in regards to taste. Both are pretty easy to prepare. Hollandaise is the one that makes me nervous. Before class everyone, and I do mean EVERYONE, said it breaks every time they make a hollandaise. Well, I made my hollandaise in class and it did not break. I can’t help but think this was a little surreal, a fluke. Something I will have to try again. Or maybe I shouldn’t look a gift horse i...